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Calculate taxes

Metronome supports dynamic calculation of sales tax when invoicing with Stripe. Stripe tax calculation works with Anrok and Avalara.

Configure Stripe tax calculation

To set up entity mappings for Anrok and Avalara in the Metronome app:

  1. In General Settings, click Integrations.
  2. Under Stripe, click Edit Mapping.
  3. Use the modal dialog to populate the mappings using the values below.
  4. Click Save.

Required entity mappings

Calculation of taxes in Stripe requires entity mapping in Metronome. Use this table of values to configure the correct entity mappings for your chosen tax service (Anrok or Avalara).

Metronome entityStripe entityNotes
Line iteminvoiceitemCreated by invoicer upon issuance
InvoiceinvoiceCreated by invoicer upon issuance
"Product ID" custom field on Line iteminvoiceitem.price.productStripe product ID is stored in a line item custom field. This field is used for the Anrok integration and is passed as part of the invoice item from Stripe during invoice issuance.
Any custom field on Line iteminvoiceitem.metadata.*Any metadata key that's stored on a line item custom field. This field can be used for the Avalara integration, specifically to provide tax_code metadata. This metadata is also passed as part of the invoice item from Stripe during invoice issuance.
Any custom field on Customerinvoice.metadata.*Any metadata key that's stored on a customer custom field. This field can be used for the Avalara integration, specifically to provide tax_code metadata. This metadata is also passed as part of the invoice from Stripe during invoice issuance.