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Set up Salesforce v1

Install and set up your Salesforce integration.

Salesforce integration versions

Metronome provides two active versions of the Salesforce integration: v1 and v2. This page documents the v1 integration.


  • An Admin User login for the Salesforce Org you're installing the package for
  • An Install Link provided by your Metronome representative upon your request

Package install

  1. Click on the Install Link.
  2. Authenticate with Salesforce.
  3. Select Install for all Users.
  4. Wait for installation to finish.
Completion time varies

Installation may complete within seconds, or the request may time out (but continue to run) and you will receive an email notifying you that the installation is complete.

  1. After installation, grant generated users access to the Metronome app by adding them to the Metronome User Permission Set.
  2. Log in to Salesforce and navigate through the App Launcher to the Metronome App.

Data sync

Install and configure the Metronome Salesforce Package.


  1. In the Configuration Options field input your Metronome Account API Key.
Blank API key input

For security reasons, this field never shows as populated.

  1. Select the desired Window Size. The current version of the package only supports Day.
  2. Click the Submit button.
  3. Refresh the browser.

Start scheduled job

  1. Once the configuration is complete, click the Start button in the Package Start section of the Metronome Configuration page.
  2. The Salesforce integration begins fetching data from your Metronome account. Jobs run daily at 3 AM local time.

About customer custom fields

Metronome customer custom fields only sync to Salesforce account records that have an association to a Metronome customer ID. To allow users to view this data in the Salesforce UI, add a related list to the Account Page Layout.

  1. Navigate to Setup > Object Manager.
  2. Choose Account.
  3. Select the Page Layouts option from the side bar.
  4. Click the page layout that your users use.
  5. Choose Related Lists.
  6. Find the Metronome Customer Custom Fields option and drag it where you'd like on the layout.
  7. Click the wrench icon to configure the list.
  8. We recommend choosing Name, Field Name, and Field Value (in that order).
  9. Click Save.
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