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Entity mapping

Metronome can be the heart of your entire billing system, combining multiple integrations, from CRM to invoicing to reporting. These third-party systems may have their own additional integrations, such as automated tax calculations.

Entity mapping allows you to configure your integrations so they work better together. For example, you can pass additional data on your Stripe invoices to trigger Stripe's tax calculation integrations.

Supported integrations

Entity mapping is supported for Stripe integrations.

How entity mapping works

Entity mapping uses custom fields to identify additional data to be sent to an integration. Each integration expects specifically named data:


  • Anrok: pass a Stripe product ID to InvoiceItem.price.product
  • Avalara: pass a tax_code value to InvoiceItems
  • TaxJar: pass a product_tax_code to Products or Charges

1. Define and populate the custom fields

Using the above values, create the necessary custom fields in your account. You can do this using the Metronome app or API. See custom fields for explicit instructions.

For example, to configure the Stripe TaxJar integration, a product price needs to be passed to Stripe's invoiceitem.price field. Create a custom field on Product named stripe_taxjar_invoiceitem_price.

2. Populate the custom fields

After creating the necessary custom fields on your Metronome entities, add the appropriate values for your instances. For example, assign the correct price to an individual Product's stripe_taxjar_invoiceitem_price field.

3. Map entities in the Metronome app

Next use the Metronome app to configure the entity mapping for the integration. To continue with the Stripe TaxJar example:

  1. Click General settings.
  2. On the resulting page, click the Edit mapping for the Stripe integration.
  3. In the resulting model, select
    • invoiceitem.price for the Stripe Entity
    • product for Stripe Key
    • Product for the Metronome Entity
    • stripe_taxjar_invoiceitem_price for the Metronome Key
  4. Click Save.

With the entities mapped, the next time you process an invoice with Stripe, the custom field data is passed along. When Stripe receives that field, the TaxJar integration is triggered, dynamically adding correct tax calculations to your invoice.

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