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API Pagination

Calling any list method that returns multiple results, such as /customers, may require pagination: multiple calls to fetch all the results. Metronome provides two URL parameters on all list endpoints for this purpose:

  • limit customizes how many results are returned per page
  • next_page specifies the cursor to use as a starting point to fetch the next set of results

When a returned response contains a next_page value, more records exist than were returned. Include that next_page value in a subsequent query to fetch the next set of results. To fetch every result, repeat this process until next_page is null.

GET /v1/customers?limit=10
"data": [
"id": 1
"id": 2
// ...
// The next_page cursor that can be passed in the URL
// to get the next set of results.
"next_page": "0c34b75b47491b73db66d46737d9a87"

Given the above response, you can provide the next_page cursor with the next request.

GET /v1/customers?limit=10&next_page=0c34b75b47491b73db66d46737d9a87
"data": [
"id": 3
// If no next_page value is returned, this is the last page of results.
"next_page": null
Best practices for limit

To make a quick API call to inspect the response format, set limit=1. To load many results with as few API calls as possible, set limit=50. For performance reasons, limit is capped at 100.

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