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Create customer dashboards

Share Metronome invoices and usage data with your customers through customizable embeddable dashboards.

Invoice dashboard

The invoice dashboard allows your customers to view their current and historical invoices (draft, finalized, and voided), up to 90 days old.

a screenshot of the a sample customer's invoice dashboard

The invoice dashboard supports showing or hiding invoice line items with zero usage. To control this, provide the optional dashboard_options array with a key show_zero_usage_line_items and value of true or false. The default is false.

Usage dashboard

The usage dashboard shows usage metrics attached to a customer's current plan for the past 30, 60, or 90 days. Usage graphs are aggregated for plans that contain grouped products.

a screenshot of the a sample customer's usage dashboard

Credits dashboard

The credits dashboard shows credits grants issued to the customer. The credits dashboard also supports optionally hiding the grant name. To control this, provide the optional dashboard_options array with a key hide_grant_name and value of true or false. The default is false.

a screenshot of the a sample customer's usage dashboard

Embed a dashboard

Use the Metronome API to retrieve an embeddable dashboard URL which can be displayed through an iframe within your internal billing UI.

  1. Create an API token (if you don't already have one)
  2. Use the /dashboards/getEmbeddableUrl endpoint to pass the customer_id and specify the dashboard you want to display.

Create dashboards through the API

You can also create custom dashboards by pulling directly from the Metronome API:

Override the color palette

The /dashboards/getEmbeddableUrl endpoint supports a color_overrides array to override the color palette and match your design. See the full list of colors.

The image demonstrates where Metronome uses each named color. For example, gray_dark applies to standard text; primary_medium applies to selected text.

dashboard style guide for invoice dashboard dashboard style guide for usage dashboard dashboard style guide for credits dashboard

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